What Are the Vegan Options at Perkins? (Updated Guide)

  • By: Daniel B.
  • Date: November 25, 2022
  • Time to read: 6 min.

Vegan Options at Perkins

It is a very common thing to have a craving for breakfast food items at any random point of the day. Well, if you live in the US, Perkins has got you covered. It is a flourishing American Casual Dining Chain responsible for serving breakfast incessantly at every point of the day.

Perkins has a huge audience base that is extremely loyal to the brand. This goodwill results from the consistency that Perkins has shown throughout these years. If you live in America and have not visited Perkins, you can yet experience what an amazing breakfast looks like.

However, it is a common misconception that you will have fewer options if you are following a vegan diet. Perkins has a good range of vegan options to offer. You can follow this guide to ensure you order all the right things whenever you visit Perkins.

The Common Misconception

Whenever you hear the word veganism, you think about a big cross on your favorite dairy products like milk and cheese. The actual reality is that you still can have milk and butter. You just have to check the source. There are plenty of options like almond milk, soy milk, and many more.

Perkins as a chain has taken many steps to ensure that its vegan audience does not go back home without a full belly. They have been promoting their vegan products and have been conquering the market with their voluminous goodwill. If you are a regular customer, you can ask the chef to create something altered according to your instructions.

Veganism does not propagate that you have to sacrifice the delight of your taste buds. It focuses on finding a better alternative that is much healthier.

Here is the list of things that are vegan and can be found at the outlets of Perkins.

Hash Browns

Hash browns are widely accepted as one of the best dishes to start your day. You can get a good side of hash browns, which can be combined with other vegan options to experience a wholesome meal.

Hash browns are not the healthiest option on the menu but can be ordered for a tasty and sumptuous experience. They are usually enjoyed with some coffee.

French Fries

Perkins is very famous for its French fries. You get them with every meal, and everyone is used to having them. 

The fries are very reasonably priced, so you can explore more options that will be extremely interesting. Perkins gives out a lot of dips and dressings. You can give the instructions for not getting served with the non-vegetarian brands.

Sauteed Spinach

One of the menu’s healthiest items is sauteed spinach. It is a dish that is liked by all age groups and is also ordered the most. 

Sauteed spinach is not that filling in itself. You are advised to order something along with it. You can also go for anything to drink if you are not in the mood to eat heavily. The spices and herbs of the dish can be regulated as per your own will.

Baked Potatoes

As uninteresting as they may sound, baked potatoes are usually the filling item in your meal. You can opt for any savory sauce to top up the flavor and tweak it as per your fillings.

People usually do not order baked potatoes by themselves because the taste is very bland. The baked potato is an essential side dish that can be explored in new ways by following a vegan diet.

Sliced Avocados

The dressing made up of sliced avocados called guacamole is a very famous dressing. Having toast along with a few slices of avocado is an excellent choice for a hearty yet light meal.

Plain Oatmeal

If you are looking forward to meeting your daily protein intake goal while also experiencing some good taste, the oatmeal bowl is one of the best items that you can get. You have to ask the outlet to prepare it in water, and once that is done, you can enjoy a wholesome meal.

You also have the option of modifying your bowl and going for something that goes with your taste buds.

Broccoli (No Butter)

You can opt for broccoli without butter as an excellent vegan option. Few people are fond of this vegetable when served in its rawest form, but Perkins goes a step ahead and creates a fantastic offering.

It includes all the right ingredients that will make you love broccoli.

Fruit Cup

Nothing is better than a fruit cup after a sumptuous meal. It is the perfect dessert that you can add to your mix and enjoy without any guilt. A fruit cup comprises many different fruits that blend in together perfectly. 

You have the option of sweetening the fruit cup more by adding sugar, but you can choose against it too. It all depends on how you want it to taste.


Bagel is the perfect American breakfast you find being sold in many places. It can be modified and served with different fillings according to how you like it.

You can go for the spinach filling inside your bagel. You can also choose between a regular bagel and a multigrain bagel.

Personalized Orders

All the major restaurants these days have the option of personalizing the items on their menu. They offer separate preparations that can turn almost every item vegan. The basic ingredients are changed, and that is how this process is undergone.

Rise of Vegan Options

Every brand realizes that to grow and succeed, it must expand its target market. They do not want to miss any prospective customers because of rigidity on their end. There are many reasons why Perkins and many other brands have introduced so many vegan options.

The Motivation

People worldwide have jumped into the vegan bandwagon, which is why brands have to react accordingly. They cannot let their customers choose a different brand because their preferences have changed.

This gives the brand a powerful motivation to introduce changes to its offering. More and more people are turning vegan every day, so brands have to start catering to this change every day.

Someone Will Do It

If your brand does not do it, someone else’s will. This is the basic mantra to survive in this era of cut-throat competition. People are very loyal to particular brands, and they look for every possible reason to visit the brand’s store.

Brands like Subway have been catering to both vegetarian and non-vegetarian audiences for a very long time. They have been flourishing because every single human being comes under their total addressable market. 

If the competitor does it before, they will have an undue advantage, which might not be the best thing for your brand. Perkins was quick enough to understand this and to analyze the turf. They came up with very basic vegan items, but it was better than having nothing.

Final Words

There are plenty of vegan options at Perkins, as mentioned above. You might think you cannot visit your favorite food chain outlet with your family anymore, but with these options in mind, you sure can.

Turning vegan has many nutritional benefits, and your favorite brands are in full support of your dietary decisions. You should keep these options handy, so you do not falter while ordering for yourself. You might feel these individual items are very different and cannot be clubbed into a meal. However, you can have a full meal by ordering these items. They are nutrition-rich and heavier than the standard options. So, say goodbye to the confusion of whether or not you should visit Perkins! To many more bagels and fruit bowls!