Answer: No.

Cows are not vegan as they tend to eat animal flesh, bones, soil, and sometimes even drink urine when they are lacking in some essential minerals.
While cows are naturally herbivorous, many instances make them non-vegan. They can become deficient in minerals that are not present in legumes and grass, so cows may experience a condition called pica.
Cows are considered non-vegan as they are not guaranteed to only eat grass and other plants as a primary diet. Cattle that experience pica often lack minerals such as potassium, sodium, and phosphorus, therefore they may eat animal products including insects. Even when they don’t have pica, cows still accidentally eat bugs and other non-veg food. In the United States, it’s not prohibited to feed cows with table waste and poultry waste; however, bone meals and other animal by-products are forbidden as they may cause mad cow disease.
It’s worth reading about the potential issues of eating cow meat, especially for vegans. If you’re looking for some signs of why it’s not good to eat cow, this is for you.
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Can Vegetarians Eat Cows?
Generally, cows are fed orchard grass, corn grain, ryegrass, corn silage, and other plant products. Feeds that contain calcium, protein, and other nutrients to give cattle energy are also essential for dairy cows. But this doesn’t mean vegetarians can eat cows.
According to PETA, there are many reasons why you should not eat cows. If you avoid cow meat, your body will thank you for it. Beef products are surely a way to gain weight and develop heart disease, arthritis, and diabetes.
Studies show that vegans have a 40 percent of meat-eaters cancer rate. When you eat meat, you are also eating antibiotics, fecal material, and other toxic substances that are stored in the body over the years.
Researchers have reported that cows can recognize their family members and friends, plus a hundred more in their group. These gentle social animals also grieve and feel sad when another cow in the herd dies.
More importantly, you should know that it’s not just a delicious beef steak on your plate, it may also contain artificial hormones that are injected into the cattle to grow them faster. These hormones can lead to chronic health problems according to scientists.
Why Is Cow Milk Non-Vegan?
Vegans don’t touch any animal-based products including milk for a reason. An ideal vegan diet mainly consists of grains, vegetables, fruits, and nuts. They don’t consume meat and dairy products such as cow milk.
Milk is extracted from cows or goats, therefore it’s not vegan-friendly regardless of how it is produced. Even if a brand says their milk is organically farmed, vegans still won’t consume the product for some reason.
One, some cows are given hormones in order to produce milk. When it comes to health, these hormones in cow milk and other dairy products can increase cholesterol and affect digestion according to studies.
For environmental reasons, farming is a huge contributor to global warming since it affects natural habitats. Transporting farmed products around the world also adds to the carbon footprint. Veganism can help reduce CO2 and restore natural habitats for animals.
Instead of cow milk, butter, cheese, and yogurt, you can opt for great substitutes like soy-based and other plant-based products. The environment will continue to deteriorate if people use more animal products than vegan options.
Why You Should Not Eat Cow Meat
One of the most common reasons why vegans don’t eat cow meat, even the organic brands, is because cows and other animals endure mutilation and prolonged pain when slaughtered. They are branded, castrated, and dehorned without painkillers. Killing animals just to put food on the table is just not right.
Here are other reasons why you should not eat cow meat even if you’re not a vegan:
- To save the planet, the United Nations is advocating vegan eating to reduce the negative effects of climate change. After all, plant-based diet is better than ever; you can enjoy a vegan burger that taste like real meat.
- When you eat cow meat, you might also be ingesting nurtured bacteria due to the antibiotics that are fed to the cattle to make them grow larger. The beef also exposes your body to bacteria that can resist drugs or medicines while you become immune to antibiotics.
- Red meat including beef is unhealthy as it reduces your immunity due to a special type of sugar called Neu5Gc. The body treat this sugar as a harmful bacteria, therefore reacting by urging the immune system to fight it.
- Processed beef to increase shelf-life and enhance the flavor becomes more deadly. According to the World Health Organization, eating processed beef is like smoking and exposing yourself to asbestos. Also, steak and other unprocessed beef are still considered carcinogenic.
- Cow meat can increase your risk of getting type II diabetes. When your pancreas no longer produce enough insulin to manage the sugar that enters your bloodstream, you may develop diabetes and will require regular monitoring and treatment. While it’s more common among obese people, type II diabetes may also be developed from consuming too much red meat like beef even if you have a normal weight.
- In addition to an increased grocery bill, beef can also make you fat. In a study, obese people who cut red meat including beef from their diet were able to shed 16.5 pounds in a short period of six months.
Compared to chicken, veggies, and fish, red meat contains more saturated fat and cholesterol. Consuming more meat can lead to fatty deposits that can accumulate in the blood, hence increasing your risk of various health conditions.
Healthier Alternatives To Cow Meat
If you’re still tempted to eat cow meat, knowing that beef prices are on the rise might make you think twice before adding a kilo of ground beef to your cart. From beef steaks to roasts, expect that prices will continue to go up this year.
The best way to stick to your budget and maintain your health is to opt for more affordable beef alternatives such as the following:
- Mushrooms. The umami-rich flavor and meaty texture of mushrooms make them one of the best alternatives for beef. For example, ground or chopped cremini mushrooms are perfect to make as burger patties. You can also make grilled whole portobello caps in place of beef patty.
- Grains. This may seem an unusual option, but grains also add meat-like texture and flavor to veggie meals. Some of the most popular whole grains you can use are quinoa and bulgur. You can add cooked quinoa to stir-fry dishes or put them in zucchini or red peppers instead of ground meat.
- Lentils. Brown lentils have high protein content and tender texture. These appetizing legumes are perfect substitute to cow meat in tacos, patties, and pasta sauces. Red lentils are a great option if you want to a smooth texture.
- Tofu. The best thing about tofu is that it can absorb whatever flavor you want to achieve. Its mild taste make it an excellent choice when replacing beef with something vegan. You can marinade it in barbecue sauce to achieve a fresh-off-the-grill flavor.
When you eat a diet that includes more veggies and fruits and less meat, you are keeping both your body and the planet healthy. If you haven’t switched to a completely vegan diet, you can start small by trying out the meatless Mondays regimen and then replacing some meals every week.
Being a vegetarian is about finding the best alternatives to red meat and appreciating the benefits of a plant-based diet. The most common ingredients that make fake meat include beans, potato starch, grains, pea proteins, wheat gluten, soy protein, and wheat protein.
The Meat Of The Matter
Deciding to go meatless is a big commitment to make. The two main types of non-meat proteins to choose from are vegetarian and vegan proteins. Vegan protein omits dairy, eggs, and other animal products, while vegetarian protein only omits meat such as beef.
When looking for a beef alternative, stick to the vegan rules rather than personal preferences. Remember, vegetarian protein still contains some animal products that are not vegan-friendly. A plant-based diet can help you reduce cholesterol levels while improving your overall health.
Imagine a world that doesn’t rely on factory farms and the meat industry. If you open your mind to vegan alternatives, you will realize that there are so many good reasons to skip red meat. Do you have a personal favorite when it comes to a beef-like dish such as beefless ground crumbles? Share your story in the comment section below!