Is Caviar Vegan? Can Vegans Eat Caviar?

  • By: Daniel B.
  • Date: October 11, 2022
  • Time to read: 6 min.

Answer: No.

Is Caviar Vegan? Can Vegans Eat Caviar?

If you’re considering becoming a vegan, you’re already contemplating what foods to exclude from your diet. Or perhaps you simply want to know if caviar is vegan. Caviar is one of the most expensive foods available. It’s high in vitamins and minerals, but let’s see if vegans should consume it.

Caviar is made up of fish eggs. However, unlike chicken eggs, caviar eggs are often extracted by killing the fish. This results in caviar not being suitable food for vegan folks. 

In this post, we’ll go over caviar in detail, as well as we’ll go through some of the most popular caviar replacements. Let’s dive right in!

What Is Caviar?

The simplest way to describe caviar is to state that it’s salted fish eggs. Caviar is created from sturgeon eggs that have been retrieved when ready and edible. The eggs are salt-cured and served uncooked. The salting procedure kills most harmful germs, making caviar safe to consume.

It has enjoyed a prestigious position since the early 19th century and continues to do so today for a variety of reasons. Rare caviar can cost up to $25,000 per kilogram and is incredibly difficult to obtain. However, there are cheaper alternatives on the market that aren’t truly caviar because they’re made from fish that aren’t sturgeon.

Why It’s Not Vegan-Friendly

Caviar is a high-priced seafood delicacy produced from the eggs of sturgeon. While caviar is considered not vegan, it’s not the only reason you should avoid eating it. This ‘delicacy’ of fish is both unsustainable and immoral. Eating and purchasing caviar encourages sturgeon exploitation and a nasty industry that benefits from extracting eggs from suffering animals.

C-Sections Are Performed To Extract Caviar

A tiny incision is made in the female fish, similar to a c-section, and her eggs are medically extracted from her body. She is stitched up and thrown back into farming ponds to heal, lay new eggs, and perform again.

C-sections expose the fish to potentially lethal diseases. It may also harm their ovaries. Farmers are concerned that this procedure will limit the quantity of ‘product’ they can get from the sturgeon. We’re more concerned about the welfare of the living animals being continuously operated on so that affluent people might enjoy a little container of caviar.

Labor Induction

While many meat eaters believe that eating vegan or plant-based foods is unnatural, we believe that chemically stimulating a fish so that its eggs may be consumed as a ‘treat’ is way more dystopian and unnatural.

The fish are injected with a protein to stimulate labor, after which the eggs are squeezed out of them so that they may be prepared and marketed as a product. Farmers love this pretty modern method of increasing caviar as they can “reuse the same fish to collect roe numerous times during their estimated 60 to 120-year lifetime,” according to the LA Times.

It is remarkably inhumane to expose these animals to continuous chemical procedures all through what should be a long, happy life in the wild. This egg extraction process is known as ‘no-kill caviar,’ and we could argue that even though the fish are not technically dying, they are also not living a normal life. 

It Kills The Fish

It is the most apparent and traditional method of getting sturgeon eggs. However, it is still important to discuss to have a whole perspective of how these creatures are abused. Sturgeons are typically grown for around ten years before being slaughtered for their egg sac. As previously said, a healthy roe may live to be 60 to 120 years old.

Sturgeons Are Endangered

The red list of the International Union for Conservation of Nature includes sturgeon. The animals in this list are perhaps the most endangered in the world. In major basins, the sturgeon population has plummeted by almost 70% during the last century. Illegal hunting is a major contribution to the sturgeon population reduction. According to the WWF, poaching operations in the Volga-Caspian region are “10-12 times higher than legal limits.”

Water pollution, the degradation of watercourses, natural habitats, and dams are all contributing reasons to sturgeon endangerment. It is also worth noting that raising sturgeon in aquaculture does not help to replenish natural populations. It exploited them and normalized the use of the fish as live caviar distributors.

It Is Bad For Your Health

Caviar has a lot of salt, cholesterol, and calories. This indicates that it should only be eaten as a side dish or on top of a canapé.

Are There Vegan Substitutes For Caviar?

Yes! There are various vegan alternatives for caviar, each made from a different component. They can be made from seaweed, agar-agar, algae, or gelatin (non-animal-based gelatin). 

With vegan caviar, you may still enjoy the flavorful caviar side dishes and the gourmet experience often accompanied by eating genuine caviar.


Caviart has grown in popularity as a roe and caviar alternative among consumers and the culinary sector. The items are easier to deal with, the containers are easy to stack, and they are significantly less expensive. Furthermore, Caviart is a more environmentally friendly option.

Caviart is deemed as best-selling vegan caviar in Europe, and gourmet vegan cooks adore it.

Unlike regular caviar, it will never go rancid or alter in flavor after being opened. You don’t have to eat it all right once because it can keep fresh for up to three months. Another feature of Caviart is that, unlike regular caviar, it does not discolor or bleed into meals. That makes it ideal for stunning meals that will astound your guests.

Caviart is available in a variety of colors and flavors. Natural colors give the seaweed caviar a lovely appearance. Because of the variety of flavors, various recipes may be used. Caviart is wonderful on pancakes, toast, and salads and is a tasty addition to sushi rolls.

Benefits Of Eating Vegan Caviar

If you do not stick to a strict diet, such as veganism, there is no obvious reason why you cannot consume real caviar. However, I propose that you try vegan caviar for the following reasons.


A sturgeon’s egg’s buttery, sweet, delicious flavor is generally described as “umami.” But did you know that a Japanese researcher found it while having a cup of kelp broth?

Kelps, seaweeds, and other edible algae have a distinct flavor. They have a pleasant and deep tart taste. Seaweeds are probably the closest thing to caviar in terms of taste.


Caviar is high in minerals, vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, and proteins. But these nutrients can be found in seaweed as well. Whatever nutrition caviar provides, the vegan counterpart will provide it as well.

Furthermore, vegan caviar does not have downsides of caviar. While it has a delicious flavor, caviar is high in cholesterol, calories, and salt. Seaweed, on the other hand, is gluten-free, cholesterol-free, and low in calories and salt.


In regards to shelf life, vegan caviar outperforms the traditional version. A sealed packet of vegan caviar may be kept for three years, which is nearly 30 times better than caviar. Vegan caviar may be stored for three months after opening, compared to three days for sturgeon caviar.

Furthermore, vegan caviar does not require refrigeration. You only need to keep it cold and out of direct sunshine; your cabinet will suffice. On the other hand, real caviar must be kept in the fridge at all times.

Eco-Friendly And Sustainable

Sturgeon fisheries are an example of success. They improve caviar availability while decreasing the demand for wild sturgeon fishing. They are, however, not without danger.

Above all, aquaculture produces a considerable volume of chemically injected effluent. If not carefully regulated, it has the potential to devastate the natural system.

Seaweed caviar poses no such risks. Under perfect conditions, seaweed cultivation can even aid in capturing carbon, preserving coral reefs, and the overall sustainability of the seas.

Key Takeaways

After the in-depth discussion about caviar, we can all agree that caviar is not vegan, not just because it is made from fish eggs but also because of the inhumane process of extracting these eggs.

The caviar industry is brutal and disturbing and actively contributes to species extinction. While not everyone is vegan, not everyone should consume caviar. Think about the c-section scar hundreds of fish are living with!

If you still crave the caviar taste, there are many vegan alternatives to try. Vegan caviar, according to some, is the spawn of the future. We are confident that it is here to stay. This new type of caviar benefits both you and the earth. Saying yes to more sustainable manufacturing of eco-friendly food would assist the marine ecology!