Is Crab Vegan? Can Vegans Eat Crab?

  • By: Daniel B.
  • Date: October 11, 2022
  • Time to read: 6 min.

Answer: No. It is not vegan-friendly as crab meat is directly derived from an animal. 

Is Crab Vegan? Can Vegans Eat Crab?

You might just have heard that some vegans include seafood in their diets. And you might be wondering if eating crabs is good for your diet. Crabs, to burst your bubble, are classified as animal flesh. As a result, they are unsuitable for your vegan dining plate.

Here in this article, we will discuss why crabs are not considered vegan and also offer you some vegan alternatives you can try instead.  

What Are Crabs?

A crab is a crustacean that lives both in water and on land. It is most commonly seen in coastal regions. It belongs to the same family as crayfish, lobster, and shrimp. It has a long protruding tail that is completely buried behind the thorax. The majority of the body is protected by the thick exoskeleton. Crabs are noted for their flexibility in coping with any living situation. They may live in freshwater, deep waters, or by crawling on land.

There are around 4000 crab species on the earth. Because of the tenderness and sweetness of the meat, crab is a delight for all meat lovers. Crab claws feature delicious and rich flesh that is white, similar to lobster meat. Male crabs were considered to have bigger claws and much more white flesh, whilst female crabs occasionally have roe. Their liver is also regarded as gourmet.

Nutritional Value Of Crabs

Crabs are well-known for being among the most nutrient-dense seafood options. Crab flesh contains almost the same nutrients as some other popular forms of seafood, but it contains less mercury than swordfish, marlin, tuna, and grouper. Crabs are rich in folate, vitamin B12, iron, selenium, niacin, and zinc. 

For every cup of cooked crabs, the following nutritional value is present:

NutrientsNutrient Count
Calories97 Kal
Protein21 g
Fat1 g
Carbohydrates0 g
Fiber0 g
Sugar0 g 

Reasons Why Vegans Don’t Eat Crabs Or Any Seafood

Most individuals have wondered why vegans do not eat crabs and other seafood. The rationale is pretty straightforward.

Animal Cruelty

Many people claim fish experience pain, and new research confirms this. They have nociceptors, neurons that perceive pain caused by heat, pressure, or irritation. Fish, like humans, produce natural analgesics.

Experiments have shown that when fish are exposed to chemical irritants, they lose their appetite, brush their bodies around the tank, and exhibit increased distress indicators.

Vegans do not wish to kill or injure animals for ethical reasons.

Environmental Issues

Fishing, in addition to causing huge suffering to animals, poses major dangers to ecological systems in the ocean. Commercial fishing is riddled with atrocities. In many instances, animals are sliced open while alive or suffer for days inside a net.

Bycatch is an extra animal that was caught accidentally. Bycatch has the potential to drastically degrade ocean biodiversity. Every year, around 650,000 marine animals, such as whales, porpoises, and dolphins, are killed or damaged in fishnets.

Bottom trawling is yet another current commercial fishing activity that is particularly undesirable. Huge nets are hauled across the ocean floor in an attempt to collect anything they can.

And how about farmed fish?

Well, farmed fish isn’t more sustainable than wild-caught fish.

Many farmed fish have been genetically engineered and are given antibiotic-laced diets. Due to overcrowding in underwater cages, most fish farms are infested by aggressive parasites such as sea lice.

Overall, seafood is a catastrophe for both animal suffering and the ecology.

Health Concerns

Seafood may be a healthful diet, but it includes a lot of PCBs or polychlorinated biphenyls and mercury. According to the EPA, PCBs can cause cancer in human beings.

According to research, pregnant women that eat a lot of seafood may have infants with birth abnormalities. PCBs are poisons that build in animal fat, becoming more potent as they go up in the food chain.

Vegan Alternatives To Crab Meat

Palm Hearts

Palm hearts have a mild taste and a good crunchy bite, and they are widely used in vegan cookery to mimic crab flesh. These vegetables are pale beige in color and taste similar to artichoke hearts, but less acidic and a little sweeter.

Palm hearts are abundant in fiber, low in calories, and high in essential nutrients for vegans, such as manganese and iron.

Hearts of palm can be used in no-crab salads, stews, cakes, and chowders.


Vegans all over the world celebrated when jackfruit was found. Well, we just assume that.  This huge tree fruit is the major component in so many vegan “drawn pork” dishes, and its meaty flavor serves well as a crab alternative.

This delicate fruit may be flavored with practically every flavor. It comes canned or fresh and works nicely in various vegan and vegetarian recipes. It breaks well, making it an excellent choice for crab cakes.

Consume plenty of jackfruits, which are high in magnesium, vitamin C, potassium, and manganese.

Jackfruit may be used in mimicking crab rangoon dip, crab meat salad, and no-crab crab cakes.

Artichoke Hearts

Artichoke hearts are undeniably juicy and soft, with a high fiber content that promotes balance and digestive health. They are available in various styles, enabling you to eat such seafood replacement fresh, seasoned, or tinned.

It’s not just that, but their soft flake lends itself wonderfully to be used as a vegan crab substitute.

Crisped artichoke hearts can be used for seafood soups,  tarts, crab dips, and no-crab crab cakes.


Mushrooms are quite a favorite vegan meat substitute because they have a rich, organically meaty feel. This fungus tastes good and has a range of associated therapeutic applications. Many people feel that consuming Lion’s Mane can benefit your liver, brain, heart, and general wellness.

Lion’s Mane mushrooms may be sauteed or steamed and used in vegan-friendly seafood soups,  pasta, or no-crab cakes.


Tofu isn’t always a good substitute for crab, but it is a great choice for making wonderful vegan sushi, such as vegan California rolls.

In lieu of imitation crab, incorporate finely diced tofu in all of your beloved sushi rolls or faux crab sticks.

Vegan Substitutes From Commercial Stores

With the number of vegans increasing faster than before, greater vegan grocery store alternatives are appearing almost weekly. Vegan crab substitutes are offered, particularly at specialist health food shops.

Asian stores may provide some excellent selections. Plant-based meals, such as tofu, were embraced by Asian societies far earlier than it is by Western societies.

The Secret Ingredient In Vegan Crab – Old Bay Seasoning 

In the heartland of Maryland, the Chesapeake Bay is equated with crab. With all that blue crab swimming about, they accidentally found many of the greatest ways to taste and cook crab flesh.

Fortunately, most of that flavor can be replicated without crab since it is derived from Maryland’s signature spice, Old Bay seasoning.

Old Bay seasoning is often made of paprika, powdered red pepper flakes,  celery salt, black pepper, and occasionally mustard. Ginger, cardamom, and cloves are also present.

Try putting Old Bay to just about any vegan crab cake mix, and you’ll be amazed at how nicely it modifies the flavor of the vegan components!

Final Thoughts

It should go without saying that crabs are animal flesh. This means they must not be included in your vegan diet. Apart from not being vegan, crabs are harmful to both the environment and human health. Additionally, crabs are living creatures that can also feel pain. They are aware of their environment and are as conscious as other animals. Consuming crabs equates to animal cruelty.

However, this doesn’t mean you can no longer enjoy the mouthfeel of seafood. We provided a lot of vegan crab alternatives that you can try instead to satisfy your seafood craving without having to break your vegan lifestyle.